Tuesday 3 March 2009

An awkward colour to pull off, depending on your complextion, but these ladies manage it quite well. Every so often we're told yellow is the 'in' colour, but for those who arent told what to wear and given things for free, it can be a canary-coloured minefield.
This girl has clashed yellow, pink, and orange (hair) and somehow pulls it off completely. in block colour with black tights and heels she looks creative in a 'I know my colours' way, rather than a 'i rolled in some paint' way.

Can rely on Paris to grab a trend and run with it all the way to the paparazzi. Although credit where it's due, wether it was intentional or not her matching yellow with orange works very well.

Which brings me to one of my favourite vintage items ever. I didn't actually buy this, It was handed down to me from my sister, who bought it from a Northern (don't ask where...) vintage store for £20. I've never seen another purse like it, it holds so much, and has cute black button and gold clasp detailing, complimenting the orange colour. Better than Topshop anyday!
Like Alison Mosshart and Kate Moss above, every girl needs a vintage band t-shirt. purchasing one from a high street or designer store completely misses the point of wearing a battered old worn-in shirt. Buy from H&M, Topshop, or Marc Jacobs for between £10 and £200.

Or, take but a few minutes to shift through a thrift store and find any number of tacky-but-cool old tshirts. In my time i've seen shirts for Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Neil Young and Blondie, but the above was my favourite. A classic baseball 3/4 sleeve shirt with the Meat Loaf bat design. Bad taste in an ironic/funny way. and a snip at £2.50.

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